Federal student loans are available to most students regardless of income and provide a range of repayment options including income-based repayment plans and loan forgiveness benefits, which other education loans are not required to provide. Loans must be accepted on your MyUCSC student portal no later than 10 business days prior to the end of your student's term of enrollment for an academic year. Awards not applied for and approved (including all required loan documents) by this time cannot be processed.
If you decide to borrow you must complete the following steps:
Step 1: Accept your loan on MyUCSC student portal: https://my.ucsc.edu
Step 2: Complete the Direct Loan Entrance Counseling at studentloans.gov
Step 3: Sign your Direct Loan Master Promissory Note (MPN) at studentloans.gov
For information on interest rates and loan fees click here .
Annual Borrowing Limits (Combined Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loan Limits):
$5,500 ($3,500 sub max)
$9,500 ($3,500 sub max)
$6,500 ($4,500 sub max)
$10,500 ($4,500 sub max)
$7,500 ($5,500 sub max)
$12,500 ($5,500 sub max)
Cumulative Lifetime Limits (Aggregate Limits):
Undergraduate Dependent Students
$31,000 ($23,000 sub max)
Undergraduate Independent Students
$57,500 ($23,000 sub max)