Belt and Road Initiative

The Belt and Road Initiative poses a significant challenge to U.S. economic, political, climate change, security, and global health interests.

Mar 23, 2021

The Belt and Road Initiative poses a significant challenge to U.S. economic, political, climate change, security, and global health interests.

Mar 23, 2021 Belt and Road Tracker

This tracker shows how the Belt and Road Initiative has changed countries' bilateral economic relationships with China over time.

Interactive by Benn Steil Jun 1, 2022

Countries in China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Who’s In And Who’s Out BRI has a wide reach, but which countries are participants?

Blog Post by David Sacks Mar 24, 2021

Tracking China’s Control of Overseas Ports

This interactive map tracks China’s growing maritime influence through investments in strategic overseas ports. Users can plot the location of each port and view satellite images alongside detailed information on the share of Chinese ownership, the total amount of Chinese investment, and the port’s suitability for use by the Chinese military.

Tracker by Zongyuan Zoe Liu August 26, 2024 Asia Program China Has Become a Major Source of Sovereign Default Risk Blog Post by Benn Steil and Elisabeth Harding March 20, 2024 Geo-Graphics China and India Compete for Leadership of the Global South

China and India compete for leadership of the Global South, but it remains unclear whether either is winning.

Blog Post by Manjari Chatterjee Miller February 1, 2024 Asia Unbound How One Port’s Struggle Reveals the Problems—and Promise—of Chinese Infrastructure Financing Chinese port financing has plenty of drawbacks. But developing countries have few alternatives. Blog Post by Nadia Clark January 16, 2024 Asia Unbound

China’s Belt and Road Initiative Enters Its Second Decade: Which Leaders Went to Beijing to Celebrate with Xi Jinping?

High-level attendance at this year’s Belt and Road forum is down, but BRI still has support in the Global South and will be used by Beijing to strengthen the Global South as a counterweight to the U.S.-led international order.

Blog Post by David Sacks October 17, 2023 Asia Unbound What Is ASEAN?

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations is a regional organization that brings together disparate neighbors to address economic and security issues, but the group’s impact remains limited.

Backgrounder by Editors September 18, 2023 Will the U.S. Plan to Counter China’s Belt and Road Initiative Work?

At the G20 summit, the United States and its partners revealed an economic corridor linking India, the Middle East, and Europe. It is premature, however, to call this a serious counterweight to China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

Blog Post by David Sacks September 14, 2023 Asia Unbound Why Is Italy Withdrawing From China’s Belt and Road Initiative?

Italy’s withdrawal from the Belt and Road Initiative would reflect disappointment with the lack of economic benefits and a more fundamental strategic rethinking of China.

Blog Post by David Sacks August 3, 2023 Asia Unbound

CFR Fellows' Book Launch Series: Sovereign Funds: How the Communist Party of China Finances Its Global Ambitions by Zongyuan Zoe Liu

One of the keys to China’s global rise has been its strategy of deploying sovereign wealth on behalf of state power. Since President Xi Jinping took office in 2013, China has doubled down on financial statecraft, making shrewd investments with the sovereign funds it has built up by leveraging its foreign exchange reserves. Sovereign Funds tells the story of how the Communist Party of China became a global financier of surpassing ambition. In Sovereign Funds, Zongyuan Zoe Liu offers the first in-depth account of the evolution of China’s sovereign funds, and shows how these institutions have become mechanisms not only for transforming low-reward foreign exchange reserves into investment capital but also for power projection. The CFR Fellows’ Book Launch series highlights new books by CFR fellows.