Request Compensation Change
The Request Compensation Change business process in Workday is designed to request any change in compensation for a worker outside of reclassification or transfer to another position. It encompasses a wide variety of salary changes such as allowances, equity, hiring salary adjustments, temporary salary adjustments, job related skill enhancement pay, and etc. For more information visit the Compensation Changes page.
Below is a text-only guide to using this business process at Texas A&M University. For a job aid that includes images, please visit Workday Help in your Single Sign On (SSO) menu.
Search for the Employee for which you need to request a compensation change. From the Employee's Related Actions, hover over Compensation and click Request Compensation Change.
Note: Required fields have a red asterisk ( * ) next to them. Click on the Edit icon to edit a section. Click on the Remove icon to remove a section, if needed. Click on the Restore icon to restore a section, if needed.
Start Screen (If accessing from the employee's job profile)
- Effective Date * : The date on which the compensation change will be effective.
- Use Next Pay Period: If this is selected, the effective date will automatically set as the beginning of the next pay period from when the process was initiated.
- Employee * : The employee name of the being proposed for a compensation change.
Select OK to move to the next page.
- Reason *
- Across the Board: Used if TAMU decides to increase the minimum salary for everyone in a specific category.
- Allowance Adjustment: Used if the only thing being changed is an allowance the worker receives.
- Counteroffer: Used in situations when an approved counteroffer has been granted to a worker.
- Decrease: A generic decrease in salary. Most often used when ending a temporary salary increase that was not processed as an allowance.
- Equity Adjustment: Used when requesting an equity review; will require appropriate documentation.
- Hiring Salary Adjustment: Used when requesting a hiring salary adjustment for a worker.
- Increase: A generic increase in salary. Please check with Classification and Compensation before using this reason as this will be seldom approved. Increases in salary must match accepted System and University regulations.
- Market Adjustment: A salary increase granted to establish equity/competitiveness with salaries paid in the relevant labor market, as documented by approved survey data.
- Merit Increase, Outside Budget Cycle: Used when requesting a merit raise outside of the regular cycle.
- Merit Increase, Regular Budget Cycle: Only used in situations when a worker is incorrectly missed during Workday's built in budget and merit process.
- Merit Plan Assignment/Removal: Only to be used by Workday Support.
- Other Salary Action: Please check with Classification and Compensation before using this to see if the salary change qualifies.
- Pay Plan Adjustment: Used whenever there is an increase in minimums within the System-Wide Pay Plan.
- Skill Enhancement Increase: Used to grant a job-related skill Enhancement Pay increase.
- Temporary Salary Increase: Used to grant a temporary salary increase. May last one year.
Note: The temporary increase may be set up as a monthly allowance for monthly paid positions. To set up a monthly allowance, go to the Allowance section and select Temporary/Interim Increase for the Compensation Plan and enter the monthly increase in the Amount field. Do not use allowance to set up a temporary increase for hourly paid positions. The temporary increase should be applied to the current hourly rate for hourly paid positions.
Employee Visibility Date
- Employee Visibility Date: Set date that the employee can see this change on their worker profile/history.
Total Base Pay
- This will update automatically when salary or hourly data is entered below. This field cannot be edited.
- Total Base Pay Range: This will automatically show the full range of the Pay Grade that has been selected. This information will either appear as an annual or hourly rate depending on what has been selected for the Grade Profile.
- Compensation Package * : This should always say "TAMUS Compensation Package."
- Grade * : This will automatically display the pay grade associated with the job profile.
- Grade Profile: For TAMU employees, this will always be either "System Level Structure" or "System Level Structure (Hourly)" depending on how the employee needs to be paid.
- Step: This should always remain empty.
- Progression Start Date: This should always remain empty.
- Compensation Plan: This should always be set to "Salary" for monthly paid employees.
- Total Base Pay Range: This will display the same pay range as listed under Guidelines.
- Apply FTE%: This should always be set to "Yes." This allows Workday to automatically apply the employee's FTE to the salary entered.
- Amount * : This is where the monthly amount should be entered. The Amount Change and Percent Change fields will automatically update if anything is entered here.
- Amount Change: If an update to compensation is being made, the department can enter a flat amount to either increase or decrease the existing salary. The Amount and Percent Change fields will automatically update if anything is entered here.
- Percent Change: If an update to compensation is being made, the department can enter a percentage to either increase or decrease the existing salary. The Amount and Amount Change fields will automatically update if anything is entered here.
- Currency * : This should always be set to "USD."
- Frequency * : For salaried employees, this should always be set to "Monthly."
- Additional Details: Clicking this will reveal hidden, optional fields.
- Expected End Date: a date can be entered if you expect payment will terminate. This field will not automatically terminate payment.
- Actual End Date: any date entered here will automatically terminate all payment on that date. It will remove the entire compensation plan from the employee.
- Compensation Plan: This should always be set to "Hourly" for hourly paid employees.
- Total Base Pay Range: This will display the same pay range as listed under Guidelines.
- Amount * : This is where the hourly amount should be entered. The Amount Change and Percent Change fields will automatically update if anything is entered here.
- Amount Change: If an update to compensation is being made, the department can enter a flat amount to either increase or decrease the existing salary. The Amount and Percent Change fields will automatically update if anything is entered here.
- Percent Change: If an update to compensation is being made, the department can enter a percentage to either increase or decrease the existing salary. The Amount and Amount Change fields will automatically update if anything is entered here.
- Currency * : This should always be set to "USD."
- Frequency * : For biweekly employees, this should always be set to "Hourly."
- Additional Details: Clicking this will reveal hidden, optional fields.
- Expected End Date: a date can be entered if you expect payment will terminate. This field will not automatically terminate payment.
- Actual End Date: any date entered here will automatically terminate all payment on that date. It will remove the entire compensation plan from the employee.
- Compensation Plan: This is where you will select the type of allowance you wish to give to the employee (example: Cell Phone Service Allowance, Department Head Stipend, Temporary/ Interim Increase, etc.)
- Amount * : This is where you enter the monthly amount of the allowance being offered.
- Currency * : This should always be set to "USD."
- Frequency * : This should always be set to "Monthly."
- Additional Details: Clicking this will reveal hidden, optional fields. Please note that Allowances do not conform to the Annual Term Period so the fields contained here may be necessary if there are specific periods in which the allowance will not be earned.
- Expected End Date: a date can be entered if you expect payment will terminate. This field will not automatically terminate payment.
- Actual End Date: any date entered here will automatically terminate the allowance payment on that date. It will remove the entire allowance plan from the employee.
- Do not alter a merit plan to any position as merit is handled via a separate process. If the merit plan is removed, please restore the merit plan for merit eligible employees only by clicking on the Restore icon.
Enter your comment box: Copy and paste the Justification and Review Data from the completed Workday Position Description Template.
Documents may be attached (such as salary approval memos). However, bear in mind that attached memos will not stop Workday from routing the business process all the way to the appropriate level, nor does HR have the ability to alter or change Workday's routing. Also keep in mind that Workday is not a records retention document system, so anything attached to Workday will stay in the system forever, with no ability to remove. Use with caution.
Continued Routing
- Business process routes to Compensation Partner to review the Request Compensation Change event.
- Consolidated review goes to Manager.
- Consolidated review goes to Department Head
- Consolidated review goes to Executive Approver.
Final subprocess triggers for the initiator:
Assign Costing Allocations (Use this to select source funding)
- Please see the Assign Costing Allocation business process job aid.
This completes the Request Compensation Change business process.
Classification and Compensation
General Services Complex
750 Agronomy Road, Suite 1201
College Station, TX 77843
Phone: (979) 845-4170
Fax: (979) 847-8877
Division of Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness • Phone: (979) 845-4141 • Fax: (979) 845-6894 • Contact Us
1255 TAMU • General Services Complex ( Map) • 750 Agronomy Road, Suite 1201 • College Station, TX 77843-1255