Request an Individual to Volunteer Services

In response to our offer to help, the County Homeless Shelter has requested that our club provide 15 sack lunches on the first day of each month for the next year. Would you agree to be one of three who each prepare five lunches for May 1? We will rotate this opportunity among the group so everyone can participate.

The lunches should include two sandwiches, a fruit (orange, banana, etc.), and a small dessert. A drink is optional. Please call me this week, so I will know if you are available to help in May.

Letter #2

As you are aware, the annual blood drive is coming up in March. Our blood bank is always low this time of year and we desperately need donors to replenish it.

We have appreciated your help in the past and hope you can help again. You need bring nothing except your arm and your patience. Free orange juice and cookies will be provided. We look forward to seeing you.

Letter #3

Thousands of families in our communities will face hunger this holiday season. To help meet their needs, Doe Corporation is proud to host the 2019 Food Drive. We hope that Doe employees around the country will make significant contributions of food, money, or time to benefit local food banks. To make this goal a reality, we need your help!

Please volunteer as a food drive booster for your site, building, or floor. Specific duties include encouraging employee participation and contributions, promoting teamwork and collaboration, and coordinating special team events.

If you are interested in becoming a food drive booster or would like more information, contact John Doe at 555-5555. By embracing the spirit of giving, we can make this a happy and healthy holiday season for everyone in our community. Thank you for your support.

Letter #4

The soccer season is just about to begin, but we are short of several coaches for our City League teams. Do you think you would be able to serve as a coach for the 10-year-old children from your neighborhood? We are told that you know how to play soccer, which gives you an advantage over some of our beginner coaches!

You would need to establish a regular once-weekly practice time with your team, probably at Springfield Elementary School, and also attend their matches. There are 9 matches, scheduled for Tuesday evenings and Saturday mornings. The children's parents arrange the transportation and after-game treats.

If you are willing to serve as a coach this season, please call me at 555-5555.

Letter #5

The Springfield Library Story Hour has been so well attended that we are planning to expand the program to 6 mornings each week. This means that we need to recruit more volunteers to read to the children. Would you be willing to read to the preschoolers for an hour, from 10 to 11 a.m. on one or two mornings each month? People still talk about the week you filled in for us when Jane was ill. You really brought those stories to life!

We have a number of days still available and are asking our readers to choose a particular day, for example, the first Thursday or second Tuesday of every month. It would be fairly easy to trade on those days, if necessary. Please call me at 555-5555 if you have any questions or to sign up.

How to Write this Request Letter: Expert Tips and Guidelines

Be sincere and avoid flattery as you mention the special contributions the reader can make. Also, be sure to inform the reader that the position is voluntary and not paid.


  1. Indicate the need for voluntary service.
  2. Ask the reader to volunteer his or her service.
  3. Tell the reader why he or she is qualified to volunteer his or her services.
  4. Explain what will be expected of the reader or offer to meet to discuss the position.
  5. Encourage a response or arrange to follow up.

Write Your request in Minutes: Easy Step-by-Step Guide with Sample Sentences and Phrases

1 Indicate the need for voluntary service.

Sample Sentences for Step 1

Key Phrases for Step 1

2 Ask the reader to volunteer his or her service.

Sample Sentences for Step 2

Key Phrases for Step 2

3 Tell the reader why he or she is qualified to volunteer his or her services.

Sample Sentences for Step 3

Key Phrases for Step 3

4 Explain what will be expected of the reader or offer to meet to discuss the position.

Sample Sentences for Step 4

Key Phrases for Step 4

5 Encourage a response or arrange to follow up.

Sample Sentences for Step 5

Key Phrases for Step 5