Peer-Reviewed Publications on Adoption and LGB Parenting

Goldberg, A. E., Tornello, S., Farr, R., Smith, J. Z., & Miranda, L. (2020). Barriers to adoption and foster care and openness to child characteristics among transgender adults. Children & Youth Services Review, 109. doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2019.104699

Goldberg, A. E., Smith, J. Z., McCormick, N., & Overstreet, N. (2019). Health behaviors and outcomes of parents in same-sex couples: An exploratory study. Psychology of Sexual Orientation & Gender Diversity. doi: 10.1037/sgd0000330

Goldberg, A. E., Weber, E. R., & Moyer, A. M., & Shapiro, J. (2014). Seeking to adopt in Florida: Lesbian and gay parents navigate the legal process. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, 26, 37-69

Goldberg, A. E., Moyer, A. M., & Kinkler, L. A. (2013). Lesbian, gay, and heterosexual adoptive parents’ perceptions of parental bonding during early parenthood. Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice, 2, 146-162.

Goldberg, A. E., Moyer, A. M., Weber, E. R., & Shapiro, J. (2013). What changed when the gay adoption ban was lifted?: Perspectives of lesbian and gay parents in Florida. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 10, 110-124.

Goldberg, A. E., Kinkler, L. A., Richardson, H. B., & Downing, J. B. (2011). Lesbian, gay, and heterosexual couples in open adoption arrangements: A qualitative study. Journal of Marriage and Family, 73, 502-518.

Goldberg, A. E., Kinkler, L. A., & Hines, D. A. (2011). Perception and internalization of adoption stigma among lesbian, gay, and heterosexual adoptive parents. Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 7, 132-154. [Special issue: GLBTQ issues in foster care and adoption].

Richardson, H. B., & Goldberg, A. E. (2010). The intersection of multiple minority statuses: Perspectives of White lesbian couples adopting racial minority children. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 31, 340-353. [Special issue: Gay and lesbian parented families: Translating research into practice].

Downing, J. B., Richardson, H. B., Kinkler, L. A., & Goldberg, A. E. (2009). Making the decision: Factors influencing gay men’s choice of an adoption path. [Special issue: Lesbian and gay adoptive parents: Issues and outcomes]. Adoption Quarterly, 12, 247-271.

Selected Chapters

Goldberg, A. E., & Roe, C. (2019). The seven core issues and LGBTQ families. In S. Roszia & A. Maxon (Eds.), Seven core issues in adoption and permanency: What they are and why they matter (pp. 260-269). London, UK: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Goldberg, A. E., Frost, R., & Noyola, N. (2019). Sexual minority parent families: Research and implications for parenting interventions. In J. Pachankis & S. Safren (Eds.), Handbook of evidence-based mental health practice with sexual and gender minorities (pp. 115-148). New York, NY: Oxford.

Goldberg, A. E., & Sweeney, K. (2019). LGBTQ parent families. In B. Fiese, M. Celano, K. Deater-Deckard, E. Jouriles, & M. Whisman (Eds.), APA handbook of contemporary family psychology, vol. 1 (pp. 743-760). Washington DC: APA.

Goldberg, A. E., & Gartrell, N. (2014). Children with LGBT parents: Research trends, emerging issues, and future directions. In J. Benson (Ed.), Advances in child development and behavior (pp. 57-88). New York, NY:

Goldberg, A. E., & Gianino, M. (2012). Lesbian and gay adoptive parent families: Assessment, clinical issues, and intervention. In D. Brodzinsky & A. Pertman (Eds.), Adoption by lesbians and gay men: A new dimension in family diversity (pp. 204-232). New York, NY: Oxford.

Goldberg, A. E. (2010). The transition to adoptive parenthood. In T. W. Miller (Ed.) Handbook of stressful transitions across the life span (pp. 165-184). New York, NY: Springer.

Goldberg, A. E. (2009). Gay- and lesbian-parent families: Functioning and development in context. In S. Price, C. Price, & P. C. McHenry (Eds.) Families and change: Coping with stressful life events and transitions (4 th edition) (pp. 263-284). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Goldberg, A. E. (2009). Gay, lesbian, and bisexual family psychology: A systemic, life cycle perspective. In M. Stanton & J. Bray (Eds.), Wiley-Blackwell handbook of family psychology (pp. 576-587). Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell.

Goldberg, A. E. (2009). Lesbian parents and their families: Complexity and intersectionality from a feminist perspective. In S. Lloyd, A. Few, & K. R. Allen (Eds.), The handbook of feminist family studies (pp. 108-120). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.